Mathematics at Highfield J&I School

Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers. - Shakuntala Devi


At Highfield, we believe that all children can achieve in mathematics and we expect them all to make good progress. We are acutely aware of the need for children to have secure mathematical knowledge and understanding along with the ability to work with fluency if they are to be successful in school and in later life. Our curriculum aims to develop fluency, reasoning and problem solving in a wide range of contexts, incorporating real life situations wherever possible. We want our children to experience learning that builds on their knowledge of mathematical concepts, promotes fluency and supports them with the confidence that will enable them to learn well. Our curriculum promotes aspirations and raises achievement and, wherever possible, is representative.


The mathematics curriculum at Highfield is based upon the national curriculum and is planned in a progressive sequence that places greater demand and provides children with greater challenge within and across year groups. It builds upon what has been taught previously and allows children the opportunity to retrieve, reactivate and apply their prior knowledge. Our calculation policy ensures consistency in approach and supports practitioners in teaching the appropriate methods at the right time whilst recognising that children may already have efficient methods for calculating at their disposal.

Mathematics teaching introduces new content and concepts or alongside the consolidation and strengthening of previously taught skills and knowledge. Teachers ensure that any gaps in understanding are filled and that any misconceptions that arise are rapidly addressed. Fluency features in all lessons but most notably through the initial part of lessons where children complete retrieval tasks and undertake mental arithmetic practise. Retrieval is a fundamental part of each maths lesson as it ensures that children’s knowledge is checked so that they are remembering more and are able to do more.

Learning is planned to develop pupil’s fluency, reasoning and problem solving and apply these to a variety of contexts. Practitioners ensure that children are provided with the opportunity to work independently as well as in collaboration with others and that children are given frequent opportunities to articulate their knowledge and understanding in written and spoken formats using a wide range of mathematical vocabulary. Practitioners model this along with the appropriate strategies and methods that children will need to secure throughout their primary journey.

Assessment of children is ongoing and appropriate scaffolding, adaptive teaching and interventions are utilised to enable children to access their learning.


Progress and achievement is closely monitored by the subject leader and the senior leadership team through regular school monitoring activities. This is then used to inform next steps for pupils, staff development and the implementation of reading across the school.

Pupils leave Highfield with a secure understanding of the key concepts of mathematics, the ability to problem solve and with greater fluency. They have increased levels of confidence and are able to apply their learning with confidence and accuracy. Their knowledge of all areas of mathematics

The impact of the curriculum is measured through:

- Pupil progress and achievement data

- Learning walks, book monitoring and pupil voice

- Pupil conferencing

- Ongoing assessment of children’s work

- Termly assessments of the children’s learning

- Achievement in line with age-related expectations

- Moderation across the Trust/against standardised materials where available

Contact Us

Highfield Junior & Infant School
Highfield Road
B8 3QF

Phone: 0121 647 1708



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