Welcome toHighfield J&I School
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Highfield School via our school website. It is a privilege to lead a team of talented and hardworking staff who support our 720 children every day.
I hope your questions are answered in the information you find on our website, be that as a current parent; as a parent with a child who is about to embark upon their learning journey with us; as someone who is keen to join our team or as a potential visitor to our school.
Highfield is a caring, inclusive and friendly school that is committed to raising aspirations for our children. The children are at the heart of everything we do – the decisions that we make are always in the best interests of the children who come here. At Highfield we have developed – ‘The Highfield Promise’. We want all our children to feel happy, inspired and focused, so that they are able to fulfil their individual potential. We are keen to develop a love of learning and ignite a passion in areas that children can pursue in school and in later life. We want all children to become confident and independent learners. We are a diverse community and are passionate about valuing and celebrating the different cultures, faiths and backgrounds of everyone here.
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